our freedoms

Sarah Silva

Meet Sarah

Sarah Angelina Silva was born in Vado, NM and raised in the Mesilla Valley. Sarah was raised with her sister Katie in a farming community that instilled in her the values of honesty, integrity, hard work, and optimism. A graduate of the University of San Francisco, Sarah won the Pedro Arrupe award – an award given for the promotion of justice and desire to seek the greatest good. Sarah has applied the values she learned growing up to her work as an organizer around the country, where she has successfully organized campaigns that generate progress for people. Sarah moved back to the Mesilla Valley in 2009 after finishing college and organizing in the Bay area. She has lived in House District 53 for more than seven years with her partner Heath, her daughter Eva, and his daughter Lily.

Sarah’s passion for organizing her communities has led her to a life of service. She has worked tirelessly with stakeholders in New Mexico to successfully organize campaigns including raising the minimum wage in Las Cruces, sustaining housing for people who need it most, designating the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks as a national monument, incorporating Anthony, NM as city, and supporting young immigrants applying for DACA. Sarah currently owns her own consulting business and spends her time training and coaching community-oriented people and organizations. Sarah is currently a board member of the Native Land Institute.

“Residents of House District 53 deserve a courageous and thoughtful leader, not just another politician. Together, we can create positive change in our communities by changing our attitudes about what is possible and what is inevitable.”

- Sarah Angelina Silva

Sarah’s Vision For House District 53

Expanding Infrastructure

Infrastructure is the key leading our communities into the future. Sarah is ready to invest in our future:

  • Investing in roads, including supporting the transit needs of Las Cruces’ fastest growing area and identifying roads in the Chaparral area that need upgraded to improve safety and create new economic opportunities

  • Infrastructure: Investing in public libraries and community centers and, particularly in Chaparral, much-needed water, sewer, and gas lines

  • Putting people to work: Supporting people to fill the worker gap in the construction trades over the next 10 years with apprenticeships


As a small business owner, Sarah is ready to bring innovative solutions that lead Southern New Mexico into the future:

  • Fighting for higher wages and incentivizing more union and trade-school jobs, including apprentice and pre-apprenticeship programs

  • Creating the conditions for small business to build, grow, and scale through infrastructure development, bringing more jobs to Chaparral and the Las Cruces areas

  • Helping local people gain the skills to compete for the new high-wage tech and creative economy jobs coming to Southern New Mexico


As a parent, Sarah knows the importance of ensuring kids have what they need to succeed in school and life:

  • Championing our successes with early childhood education like home visiting programs to ensure that children are getting a good start, and extending after-school programs that help our kids stay active and healthy

  • Supporting thriving learning environments: Working with local school districts to understand the needs of each school, ensuring that schools have clean indoor air to reduce illness, and effectively recruiting and retaining teachers throughout New Mexico

  • Expanding dual-credit availability for high school students to attend and receive credits from local community colleges


Sarah understands the importance of keeping one another safe through investing in the policies that create healthy and thriving communities. Together, we will make this a place where our rights are respected and where every one of us can live full and healthy lives, with no exceptions:

  • Ensuring that public dollars are used for front-end resources like affordable housing, youth programs, educational opportunities, and access to mental health services and substance treatment that many of the safest communities already enjoy

  • Supporting ongoing training and accountability for law enforcement to reduce instances of officer-involved shootings

  • Encouraging law enforcement to enforce public safety laws already on the books


As an organizer, Sarah has led successful campaigns to support and build new affordable housing. We can do so much to not only keep New Mexicans in their houses, but help people become homeowners:

  • Prohibiting private equity firms from buying up single-family homes in New Mexico

  • Helping renters understand their rights and implementing rent stabilization while respecting landlords by indexing the cap to inflation

  • Identifying resources to finance land purchases so municipalities can build affordable housing to meet demand


Far too many Americans do not have access to quality care. This includes access to an abortion, behavioral and mental health, care for people with disabilities, and even everyday care. Let’s set the standard here in New Mexico:

  • Deciding if and when to have a child is the right of those who are pregnant. Abortion will be protected in New Mexico, and we will fight against a national abortion ban.

  • Working to improve transportation in rural areas of the district so people can access health care in nearby population centers of Las Cruces and El Paso

  • Ending private equity firms’ ability to make healthcare decisions for patients, including those with debilitating diseases

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  • Dr. Jon Hill

    Former Candidate (RIP)

  • Joanne Ferrary

    NM State Representative

  • Nathan Small

    NM State Representative

  • Jeff Steinborn

    NM State Senator

  • Sierra Club

    Environmental Organization

  • Care for NM

  • NMVC Action Fund

    New Mexico Voices for Children


I will work with anyone who has an interest in making District 53 a place where people can thrive. I have an open-door policy. Please feel free to contact me on my cell phone at 575-343-2029, or email me at